Crime is a huge problem and to try to reduce it large amount of money have been invested in the combat of crime. The government has produced many schemes and plan to attempt to reduce crime but to no avail.
There is no simplistic framework to describe crime. The range of crime is enormous and it can also be contradictory in the way that people are fearful of crime yet at the same time fascinated by it. All types of crime impact everyone. The general given by students about crime is that it happens to others. There are two parties when a crime is committed. These are the criminals themselves and the victims. Criminals are often described as strangers and not like us. But the truth is they are often relatives of ours and most victims know the person who committed the crime. Victims at surface level are felt sorry for although it is always considered deep down whether they provoked it. Crime is part of everyday life. Everyone commits crimes as part of their everyday basis.
Crime is covered widely in the media for instance television viewings of criminal programmes has increased and become extremely popular. The programme that involve crime often prevail a false interpretation of crime and impact on the society. Such impacts are seen in women who would not walk on their own and make them more conscious of where they are walking. The same applies to the elderly who become more afraid that they will be attacked. To combat this increasing fear of crime, crime prevention methods such as locks, alarms, bank cards and security cameras have increased.
Most serious crimes include abuse, which can either be physical, sexual or emotional, but simple hazards like pollution, fraud and shoplifting cause us harm. We all commit crimes whether it be driving over the speed limit to simple dishonesty like taking pens home from work, or paying with cash to avoid Value Added Tax (V.A.T). All of these are crimes but where does the boundary lie between crime and hard crime and what is real crime.
It is on this imperative note that i say even if it divorce which is heinous crime against humanity. At the same time a crime even if it is going against traffic laws or what society calls minors crimes of sort.
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